Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 23 - The Health Benefits of Using A Treadmill

I lost another lb which brings it up to 19 lbs lost in 23 days.  I feel really good and energetic.  I have been walking every day and today I will be dancing to the Wii Dance 1. Today I will be blogging about the treadmill.  I don't own a treadmill but I have gone to the gym a few times and have used the treadmill. I liked using it and if I had the room to have it set up all the time, I would purchase one.  There are many benefits of using a treadmill and here are some of them.

Everyone wants to get healthy and stay in shape. This goal can sometimes seem quite elusive. There are never enough hours in the day to do everything we want to do, and our fitness regimen often falls by the wayside.
However, to fully enjoy life and get the most out of it, we NEED to be in shape.  Exercise is the lifeblood of our existence. It gives us energy, stamina, and even happiness. It’s time we all started exercising daily, even if it’s only for a little bit at a time.

The easiest way to do this is with a treadmill at home. But treadmills aren’t only good for reminding you to exercise and making it convenient, there are plenty of wonderful health benefits that come with using this kind of home fitness machine.

Here are the top 5 health benefits of daily treadmill workouts:

1.   Treadmills improve cardiovascular health.
This means using them makes your heart stronger. A strong heart will, in turn increase the blood flow throughout your body, revitalizing every part of you. This includes helping you breathe better, heal faster, and even think more clearly.

2.  Treadmill walking easily burns calorieshelping you to lose weight.
The longer you stay on it, the more calories you burn, and the leaner you can become. As you get more fit and can endure more, you can even pump up the intensity of your workouts to lose even more weight. If you workout regularly, you can be sleek and slim, just like you’ve always wanted.[ReviewAZON asin="B000BGMFHO" display="inlinepost"]

3.  Treadmill workouts can help you sleep better.
It’s a proven fact that lack of exercise will keep you up at night. A good workout on the treadmill during the day will put your body in the right state to sleep deeply that night, and can be wonderful for curing insomnia. Just remember to not exercise within 2 hours of going to bed because that can keep you up as well.

4.  A treadmill workout relieves stress and helps eliminate depression.
In fact, exercise is one of the best stress relievers on the planet, and many doctors say it’s more effective than any medication for mild to moderate depression and anxiety. A little bit of time on the treadmill each day can really boost your mood and improve your outlook in a profound way.

5.  Workouts help ease the symptoms of diabetes.
Regular walking, including walking on a treadmill, regulates blood sugar levels and increases insulin sensitivity in your muscles. Many people who use a treadmill regularly have been able to reduce their diabetes medications with the help of their doctor.
You should try it, too!

Benefits to Diabetics

Treadmills are a great way to encourage people to exercise regularly, and regular exercise is a very important factor in controlling insulin levels in type 2 diabetics. According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry regular exercise decreases blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. The combination of diet and exercise is the best way to control diabetes symptoms in patients that are not insulin dependent. Each patient should consult their doctor before starting their exercise routine because exercise that is too intense can actually raise blood sugar levels.

Exercising for less than 20 minutes at a time usually causes the liver to release stored glucose for fuel, but a session of at least 20 minutes is more beneficial because it causes the muscles to take in glucose for fuel and lowers overall blood glucose levels. Using a treadmill for regular exercise often allows patients to lower their blood glucose levels enough that their medication levels can be adjusted down or eliminated. Working out regularly also helps to regulate the hormones that induce sleep and allows the patient to sleep better. Regular sleep cycles are another factor that helps keep blood sugar levels in the body stable.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your exercising in whatever you choose to use to help you with your weight loss or maintenance.  Have a wonderful and blessed day.


  1. When you reach 20lbs lost.... you have got to take a photo. You can use the pics I posted on facebook for the before and put them side by side on your blog!!! I would love to see that and I think we'd all see a difference! :-)

  2. That sounds like a good idea. Just want to make sure I will look good. I will pose the same as I posed for my profile photo..atleast try..LOL!
    Check out my blog. I posted your blog and Lisa's blog on my list there.


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