Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 7 - Feeling So Much Better!

Another day and I lost 1 lbs and I am feeling so much better than at the beginning of my juicing.  Today I decided to use up what I had left over on my Bok Choy and all the delicious vegetables and fruit.  I started off with apple juice..boy was that good.  I made my lunch and dinner with these other ingredients.

4 small Bok Choy leaves
1/2 head of lettuce
2 carrots
1 large cucumber
1 bunch of brocoli
1 large red delicious apple

I have not craved for coffee at all.  Infact, I opened up the lid to my coffee container and took a sniff and it smelled good and that is all..closed the lid and done!.  I did my test and passed.  I was a little hungry yesterday but I fought it off and drank water.  This is not easy but I know this is so good for me to stay on this diet.  After today, I will have 3 more days left to make it to my goal of 10 days.  I think I am doing good sofar. Here are some of the health benefits on Brocoli and Celery.

Health Benefits Of Broccoli
Broccoli provides a high amount of vitamin C, which aids iron absorption in the body, prevents the development of cataracts, and also eases the symptoms of the common cold.

The folic acid in broccoli helps women sustain normal tissue growth and is often used as a supplement when taking birth control pills and during pregnancies.
The potassium in broccoli aids those battling high blood pressure, while a large amount of calcium helps combat osteoporosis.

The vegetable is also fiber-rich, which enhances the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, as well as aims to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

In recent years, broccoli has made the headlines regarding three components found in the vegetable. For instance, indole-3-carbinol has captured the attention of those looking to prevent hormone-related cancers, such as breast- and prostate cancer.

I3C promotes "good" hormones, while working against destructive ones. The sulforaphane in broccoli also helps to increase the level of enzymes that block cancer, while the beta-carotene in broccoli transforms into vitamin A within the body, providing an effective antioxidant that destroys free radicals (responsible for weakening the defense of cells).

Additionally, the health benefits of broccoli have been linked to preventing and controlling the following medical concerns: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, calcium deficiencies, stomach and colon cancer, malignant tumors, lung cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and even the aging process. 

Health Benefit Of celery

Besides being low in celery contain many different phytochemicals, one of them is coumarin. A Study by Lee W. Wattenberg, Luke K.T. Lam and Alan V. Fladmoe of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Patholody at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, demonstrated that coumarin prevented abnormal cell proliferation of the stomach and breast in mice. Abnormal cell proliferation is the growth of abnormal cells that form a tumor, some are benign, and others are precancerous or cancerous.

Celery contains over 40 percent of the required daily amount of vitamin K and almost 15 percent of the necessary vitamin C for the day. However, celery has other benefits besides containing vitamins and minerals.

Other constituents of celery, acetylenics, also stop the growth of tumors. The phenolic acids in celery block the prostaglandins from doing their job of stimulating tumors to grow. Combine that with the effects of coumarins, you have a cancer fighting vegetable. The coumarins also act as antioxidants to protect the cells.

Another health benefit is the ability to lower cholesterol. Celery not only lowers overall cholesterol, it has the ability to lower the LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol.

Not only do the sodium and potassium content of celery juice help regulate the amount of bodily fluid and increase the production of urine, which makes it a powerful diuretic, it also aids the functioning of the kidneys. It's diuretic action helps eliminate the toxins from the body and by doing so, helps prevent kidney stones. That same action helps eliminate other stones in the urinary tract and gallbladder stones.

Inflammation from diseases such as osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis receive help from the polyacetylene contained in celery. Other diseases that bring inflammation to the tissue lining of the lungs and throat, such as asthma and bronchitis also benefit from the relief brought by celery.

Celery is an effective nerve tonic. If you have jingly nerves that keep you awake at night, consider a glass of celery juice to ease you into slumber. The calcium, an alkaline mineral, in celery helps calm your nerves and promote a good night's sleep.

If you're an athlete, throw out those expensive sports drinks. Put some cold celery into your and make your own after work out drink. Celery juice contains many different minerals, replaces the electrolytes and refreshingly rehydrates the body.

It seems the most nutritious foods contain the fewest calories and celery certainly is one of those. You'll do your body a favor by adding fresh celery or celery juice to your diet. You will find that the health benefit of celery has so few calories; you can eat as much as you want without worry of putting on extra weight.

I want to thank all of you who come here and comment, believe me I so much appreciated it.  I want to let all of you know that even though I am only losing a pound her and there, the benefit of eating healthy is more on healing the inside of your body first.  If losing weight is the only thing that we should be concerned with then this diet would not work.  When I started I shocked my body.  I immediately cut out coffee and all the other things I was craving.  I was a chocolate eater. I could eat a whole bar of chocolate.  When my CVS store had 2 for 1 on Hershey bars, I get them and think that I would save one for the next day..nope!..I ate both.  I even had alot of ice favorite is chocolate chip mint. I had alot of stress that made me crave for snacks I did not need.  Where I gained my most weight is sitting at the computer at home and at work.  Most of the time sitting and eating.

So, now I have made a commitment to start eating healthier, exercising, and being more selective on the foods I eat.  I am learning alot and we are never too old to learn.  I hope that I am helping you and others to think about what we are doing to our bodies.  The movie I watched Fat, Sick and almost Dead! has opened my eyes to what I was doing to myself.  I don't regret starting this diet at all.  I am also starting to look for vegetable I never even heard of since I never used them in any recipes.  


  1. YAY!!! You're on day 7!!! That is amazing!!! Keep it up because you are doing a fantastic job. Don't forget to dance!

  2. Thank you hon..I sure need the support


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